I saw this
Christmas Tree Soap Centerpiece Tutorial on the
Soap Queen Blog. Well of course I just had to try it out.
The hardest part was gathering the tools. It is Christmas time….finding a star shaped cookie cutter should be that hard??!! really?? I went to wal-mart and the grocery store...nothing!! Found a nice big box of wilton cookie cutters....NO STAR??!! The joys of living in a small town I spose.
I decided to borrow some star cookie cutters from friends hoping to gather some staggered sizes. But today I stopped by wal-mart on my way home from work and decided to take a pass down this newly stocked Christmas item isle. I tell you I was like a kid with a shiny new toy when I spied the exact cookie cutters I was in need of. I was grinning probably bigger than I have in a long time….sure hope no one was watching me, lol.
I borrowed a silicone brownie pan from a friend because….yup you guessed it…not sold here in my town. So I got home and got started. Here are most of my tools I used.

I varied the instructions a bit pouring 10 oz of soap instead of the 6 oz. OK reason being I got a serious ugly green my first try and poured it into my pan to get rid of it so I could wash and restart….only to find I didn’t like how much it filled my pan I didnt think it was enough. So I did 10 oz base, added some apple green pop mica and 4.5ml of holly berry scent.
I cut 2 of each of my 4 sizes from the clear based green, along with my topper star.

Then 2 of each of my 4 sizes from the white based green, along with my topper star.

I went ahead and mixed both of the leftover soap pieces together and remelted, added a bit of black green mica, and cut 2 of each of my 4 sizes, along with my topper star. From all of this I was able to get 2 cute little trees.

I stacked them on a skewer that I had precut to size. On the second one I gained a little bit of smarts and marked my center hole with the skewer before I started stacking. Blindly stacking hoping for center is not as easy as you think.
Here they are next to my cell phone to give an idea of size. I think they came out very cute.