So first I needed to clean my area to work with...
Then gather my supplies, had to run to Walmart for more little baggies. To each baggie along with a biz card we added either a lip balm, lotion, or guest size bar of soap.
And here we are halfway through. Baby girl will finish up in the morning, and The Hubs will run them over to where the function is held for them to add to the bags.
Hi there. stopping by from the I Love My Online Friends Monday Hop! I am following you! Please visit me at and
That is a lot of work... but you are right. Sometimes when I sample something, I find I can't live without it.
Thank Terry, and I agree, I think trying it gets you to see and feel it instead of looking at a picture.
hi there! As someone who has used your soap and gotten a free sample of your lip gloss, I would say you are very generous. That lip balm is the best I've used. Hope you get LOTS of new customers!
xo plantress
Good luck with the samples I hope you get a lot of business from them.
Awww, thank you Plantress! Glad you like the lip balm.
Thank you madebymum!! :)
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