Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday's Words to Live By
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Too Sick to Blog :(
I have 3 shows coming up and this huge TO DO list....but I didnt mark one thing off of it this past weekend. That is a tad depressing, but better to get rested and better so I can be around for the shows. I am almost ready for the one on October 10, just have one lotion batch to make....but dear sweet hubby who is seriously motivated about our business, talked me into a show on October 17, so I have a few more things to get done for that one.
So I am hoping I get better in the next day or two and get to marking things off my list as done...then I will feel a lot better! :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
We are expanding!!
But just for the holidays! The booth next to us has come up empty twice since we moved in, so we are going to take it over through the holidays and hopefully fill it with a lot of goodies.
We have a lot of new scents coming up. Pink Sugar, Vanilla, Bay Rum, Karma (Lush Dupe), Et Une Rose (which makes me smile because the smell reminds me of my grandmother), Buttermilk and Honey. But of course we are keeping our best sellers. Satsuma Guava, Sunny Days, & Lemon Zest.
We have gift bags and gift baskets made up to make your holiday shopping easier.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fun Friday - Geocaching

We have many different style hides, most common hides are Tupperware containers, or ammo boxes like this, that you cover with rocks or brush.
Then we have some hides that are camoflauged baggies which can be tucked away most anywhere….here is a secret baggie hide.
After you have secured your hiding spot you then have to get as accurate coordinates as you can. I usually take at least 3 readings to be sure I am getting the same numbers. If I am not, I continue until I think it is pretty close. We have found cache coordinates to be way off on some hides, which can make for a frustrating day. We have discovered windy or cloudy days actually affect how accurate we are. Here I am concentrating on getting my coordinates.
To date we have found over 900 geocaches. Our goal for this year was to reach 1000, but we got busier with the business than anticipated, so that goal is on hold for now. :) But I have a lot of fun caches and hide styles and themes I will be posting about in the future.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Featured Etsy Seller
She handcrafts each one individually, so no two are the same. She will do special requests if you have a name or saying you want on your card.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday's Words to Live By
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Planning Halloween
I am eyeing this project...pun intended. ;)
Just have to order the mold and I will be making up some eyeballs for some embeds.
What is your favorite Halloween shape or symbol? Spooky and scary....or traditional?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Etsy Pounce Window Shopping

Friday, September 18, 2009
Fun Friday

We always dream of these trips to take, San Francisco, Ireland, Catalina…. then we realized there is so much fun right in our own “backyard”. So my posts will of course be about my state of Arizona, but hopefully it will inspire you to go out and enjoy something in your own “backyard”.
Our “trips” are always centered around geocaching. That is our favorite fun thing to do. Don’t know about geocaching? Well let’s start off Fun Fridays learning about geocaching so my future posts will make more sense to you.
Geocaching is a hobby/sport/obsession and has nothing to do with cash. Basically you:
Hide a container containing a logbook
Log the coordinates with a GPS
Post the information on
Then people find it
Now when you find a geocache you:
Log your name in the log book contained in the cache
If it is a container of goodies you can take something if you leave something
Then you log about your experience on
Fairly simple, but some of the hides are not. General hides are an ammo box hidden out in the woods filled with inexpensive toys (happy meal type). But then there are tough hides about the size of a pencil eraser hidden in town where Muggles (non cachers) abound. So you have to be stealth in looking and retrieving so a Muggle doesn’t catch you. Some Muggles are not nice and steal the caches.
Being FTF (first to find) is extremely fun, but not the goal, the goal is to have fun quality family time. My family’s team name is the The Wandering Wyatt’s.
There you have it, geocaching in a nutshell.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Website is up!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
First Tent Show
We had our first tent show today. We participated in the World Arts Festival in Prescott Valley, Arizona. It was a great day. I had no clue what to expect so we just showed up with our product ready for the day. We met a lot of nice people who enjoyed our lotions.
It threatened rain on us, but thankfully none fell. The wind however did kick up quite hard, but luckily that did not last too long. Our tent held up nicely in it.
All in all it was a great day, can't wait for our show next month. :)