Up top on the left are handcrafted cowhide pillows, on the right are maple bowls.
The Hubs also made from scratch a faux bed to display the sheets so they can be felt, and I think he did a fabulous job on it!!
Up top on the left are handcrafted cowhide pillows, on the right are maple bowls.
The Hubs also made from scratch a faux bed to display the sheets so they can be felt, and I think he did a fabulous job on it!!
Here is where the lotions will reside, hand painted candles in the corner unit...and lots of fun stuff planned for the island....
This is the planned kids section. We have some great things coming courtesy of Sassy Soapworks and I cant wait to get everything displayed....
We did a lot of measuring and list making today of all the needed items to complete set up, hoping this week to get things priced and over to the shop to begin the puzzle of.....Where to put everything....
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