
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Color Change I Like

I have blogged before about how unpredictable color can sometimes be in soaps. A good non bleeding Christmas red is hard for me to achieve...sometimes my pinks morph to orange...and well this time I had some different color changes...that I actually really like. With that said...I bet I never am able to achieve it again. lol

The scent is cucumber cantaloupe, and after we made a batch of soap I had some of the green and orange left over...and I have such a hard time throwing away good soap. So for some reason my sunflower molds were on the counter...and I poured some of each color into 2 of the molds...and I got yellow in the end result without trying.

As Forrest says with Life...somedays I feel soap is like a box of chocolates...just never know what I am going to get. These are smaller than a regular bar so they wont be for sale, but maybe after they are cured some lucky shopper will find them in their package. :)

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